Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Civ

  1. Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Guide
  2. Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Civ

Easy to follow build order sheets. Build orders with a similar start are combined together to minimize the number of sheets. This guide contains 11 build orders in 3 sheets.

Even in its Definitive Edition, Age of Empires III has smaller maps, fewer civilizations and less complicated gameplay than its predecessor. This isn’t strictly a good or bad thing — players. The best 'Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Civs' images and discussions of June 2020. Trending posts and videos related to Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Civs! For Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition on the PC, GameFAQs has 24 cheat codes and secrets.

Based on “Build Order Reference” by Cicero, and Hera’s video guides.

Build Order Sheets

  • I originally created these sheets for personal use.
  • The land build orders are from Cicero’s “Build order reference” (Link) and the water build orders are from Hera’s YouTube video guides (Video1, Video2).
  • I tried to write them in a way that’s easy to follow while playing.
  • I grouped build orders with a similar start together, and put 2 build order groups on each sheet, so I can fold the sheet vertically and have a build order on each side.
  • This guide contains 11 build orders (9 land and 2 water) in 3 sheets.

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How to read the build order

  • F = Food (only Sheep and Boar) | Fr = Farm | B = Berries
  • W = Wood | G = Gold | S = Stone
  • Fv = Villagers currently working on Sheep or Boar
  • Bv = Villagers currently working on Berries
  • “Pop 7 | 4 to wood” means at Pop 7, the next 4 vills (pop 8 to 11) go to wood.
  • “Pop 22 | 2 Fv to Wood” means at Pop 22, 2 vills that are working on Sheep / Boar go to wood.

Created military units are not counted in Pop.

Like most build orders, this does not include many small details, so if you’re a new player remember to:

  • Make houses (build 2 houses at the start)
  • Scout your map, you need to find your 8 sheep and 2 boars.
  • Lure the 2nd boar before the 1st one runs out, kill the sheep and boar right under the TC and try to only kill one at a time.
  • Build a 2nd lumber-camp once you have 6-8 vills on the first.
  • Create military units: usually, 3 for the men at arms, 3-5 for the scouts, and non-stop production for the rest
  • Get double bit axe ASAP, get attack upgrades for archers, and bloodlines / defense upgrades for knights.
  • For water maps, fishing ships should always get the deep fish first and not the shore fish.

Build orders

Men at arms into archers:
Very common build order, the 3 Men at arms are used to disrupt your opponent’s eco, and buy you some time to mass your archers, new players should start by learning a normal archer rush build order first (without men at arms).

Men at arms into Towers:
Requires more multitasking and micro then other build orders, not recommended for new player.

Another very common build order, usually you go for 3-5 scouts, but you can add more if needed.

Fast castle:
Fast castle build orders are usually used in closed maps (like arena or black forest), or as a pocket in team games. Can be used in open maps but it’s risky and requires you to fully wall your base against feudal rushes.

They are also easier to learn than other build orders.

Can be used in any water map that has deep fish, your first 4 fishing ships need to be on deep fish for the build order to work. Consider walling your base for the full water build order.

More of this sort of thing:

This guide covers the stats and capabilities of all Civs in Age of Empires: Definitive Edition and their respective Tech Trees.


Hello everyone, and welcome to my latest guide.

This one will aim to be a reference for anything you might want to know about each civilisation, starting with thier Racial architecture (there is 4), Passive Civ Bonuses, and eventually, good strategies to perform with each Civ.

This is not Age of Empires 2, both in its lack of Unique units, and its sprites. This comes with a host of problems and imbalances, but if we accept that this game is but the embryo of what became Age of Empires II, arguably the best strategy game of all time, then I’m sure we can all get along and have a great time.

While AoE II’s theme was very much focused on the medievil period, the original takes on the Ancient Classical epochs. This is reflected in both its choice of Civs, but its technology as well. So no Gunpowder, Trebuchets, and Bombards for you mid-maxxers, get rekt!


Unlike Age of Empires II, and III, the original does not feature a unique unit mechanic. This means that essentially, all factions features significantly less variance between them, for better or for worse. Each Civ instead has its own Passive faction buffs which increase their stats in a number of ares.

For example:


The Greek Civilisation have a passive buff to their Academy Units which allow them to train them 30% faster and 20% cheaper.

This automatically makes this a very aggressive faction as they can choose to rush in Early game or flood the enemy in the later Epochs. Think the Goths from AoE II.

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Guide

This generally means that factions with stronger Civ bonuses, if we ignore player skill and micro of course, will win on that particular merit, since the stat advantage will start to count for more and more.


Civ Perk
Academy units have +30% speed and are 20% cheaper

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Civ

War ships have +20% speed


The Greek Civ are strong geared towards utilising their academy, with the second strongest Academy in the game (Next to Macedonians). They have access to all Academy units, as well as most of their upgrades, on top of an incredible buff to their cost and speed by their Civ bonus.

  • Greek Barracks and Archery Ranges have very little in the way of units after Tool age, and completely lose their effectiveness after that. This being the main weakness of the Greek Civ.
  • Greek Temples and Docks are however, also very good, with all units (except fire Gally) and most upgrades being available.This coupled with the Greek’s Civ bonus make them a decent force on the water. The only upgrades that are missing from the Temple (Monotheism, Zealotry, and Sacrifice) are not crippling to not have access to.
  • Upgrades: The Greek have access to all upgrades except Metallurgy. This is no great loss since by the Iron Age, you will be looking to bring out the Centurion, which has more than enough attack power, coupled with the Civ buff of 20% cheaper units, you should find yourself with higher numbers than the enemies of the same quality.
  • Economically, the Greeks have one of the strongest economies in the game. With all Market upgrades, you will be able to hold your own against any civ, with ones with strong Civ bonuses slanted to economy.

Overall: Very much a late game Civ. The Greek’s poor early-game means you will be on the defensive until Bronze age at least, whereupon you may start to boom out and crush them with your strong economy. However, if you do somehow run out of Gold, you will have a hard time producing units, since almost of your units will require it.

Rating: 3.5/5


Civ Perk
+2 Composite Bowman range
+25% Farm production
-30% Ship cost


  • In keeping with their island theme, the Minoans are a top tier naval faction, having access to almost every sea-based upgrade and unit in the game. Their Bonus to farms adds a small incentive to players who enjoy booming, but isn’t necessarily big enough to warrant going for that strat every time.
  • Their bonus to Composite Bowman range makes for a reasonable bronze age rush tactic which you should exploit.The Minoans have access to slingers which make an effective ranged unit to harry the enemy during the tool age, but suffer in the Iron age as they do have access to Legions, so I advise not investing heavily into melee infantry unless pressed. There temple is also one of the worst in the game, having no access to upgrades or Civ bonuses, don’t bother.
  • Minoan cavalry are also adequate but will quickly fall behind other Civs, as they do not get Chariots, or any other Iron Age level cavalry. Best used as a an early Bronze age unit to utilise until you have acquired composite bowmen.
  • In the Iron Age, the Minoans have a reasonable arsenal of weapons at their disposal. They have access to all siege weapons which will allow they greater variance if late game is drawn out. They can also easily hold their own with their centurions.
  • Economically, the Minoans can hold their own in all ages, with a strong early game (in sea based maps) by utilising their Civ bonus of cheaper fishing ships, as well as access to all economic upgrades.

Overall: Decent overall faction, but strongly slanted towards naval combat. On land, the Minoans will basically be carried by their very strong Composite Bowman, and good variety of siege units. Consider building forward bases to counter the slow movement speed of your long ranged units.

Rating: 4/5


Civ Perk
All elephant units are 25% cheaper.
Villagers +15% woodcutting.
Catapult Triremes/Juggernaught fire rate increases by +30%.


A very slow and ponderous Civ, with a very nasty End-game; the Phoenicians are strictly an Iron Age civilisation. Although they do have some Bronze age utility, with access to Chariots and other cavalry units, there main strength lies in their strong Iron Age Technologies and their ability to churn out War Elephants. First you have to get their though.

  • One of the strongest Navies in the game. With a +30% rate of fire on Catapult Triremes and Juggernaughts. You will be looking to gain control of the sea as a line of resources, and to deny your opponent space.

Their largest weakness is both in their complete lack of Early-Game, and their complete absence of siege weapons, making it difficult to assault a turtle’d up player.

Rating. 3/5


Civ Perk
All Chariot units have +33% health.
Priest have +3 range.
Gold mining +20% efficiency



Civ Perk
Egyptian styled structures
+25% Archer Fire Rate
+10% Villager Speed



Civ Perk
+50% Stone Thrower, Catapult, and Heavy Catapult rate of fire
+15 Villager hitpoints
Farms +125 food.



Civ Perk
Walls and Towers have +75% hit points
Stone mining +20% + Carry +2 Stone
Priest rejuvenation +30%



Civ Perk
Villagers hunt food 30% faster + carry +3 Food
War Elephants and Elephant Archers move 20% faster
Triremes attack +25% faster.



Civ Perk
Archery units have +1 damage.
Siege units have +50% hit points.
War Galleys and Scout Ships have +3 range.



Civ Perk
Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best CivVillagers cost 40 instead of 50 food.
All walls have +75% hit points.



Civ Perk
Short/Broad/Long Swordsmen and Legion have +15/20/60/80 HP respectively.
Clubman and Axeman +5 HP
Towers have +2 range.Civ
Priests costs 30% less.



Civ Perk
+10% Villager speed.
-20% Cavalry and Horse Archer cost


Written Psychedelic Adventurer

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